BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
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# Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
# MacApp Color QuickDraw Fractal Sample Application
# FracApp
# UFracApp.p - Pascal Source
# Copyright © 1988 Apple Computer, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Versions: 1.0 8/88
# Components: MFracApp.p August 1, 1988
# UFracApp.p August 1, 1988
# UFracApp.inc1.p August 1, 1988
# FracApp.r August 1, 1988
# FracApp.make August 1, 1988
# This is a program to calculate the Mandelbrot set, allowing you to zoom in on areas
# that are selected with the mouse. There are some special color tricks played
# in order to make the program more jazzy. A special color table is used to give
# smooth transitions from one color to the next. Color table animation is also
# supported, for the wowem effect of flowing Mandelbrot images.
# The program is written in MacApp 1.1, which explains why it has a real user
# interface. Mandelbrot images take about 30 minutes to calculate. It is
# Juggler aware so you can put the program in the background where it will
# continue to calculate, while you do something more important, like look at
# the source code. It also handles multiple documents, and reading/writing of
# PICT files using the bottlenecks to minimize the memory hit.
# This program is intended to be a real world example of handling color in a
# nontrivial fashion. As such it has some rather special color requirements,
# and those don’t match the current system architecture very well. The program
# is designed to be compatible with the future, it will not break in future
# systems. However, it does not use the Palette Manager, which means that
# there will be situations where the colors will not look right in either FracApp
# or another program running under MultiFinder. The approach that FracApp
# uses is thus not the preferred Apple approach and does NOT have the Apple
# seal of approval from engineering. The only way to get the stamp of approval
# is to use the Palette Manager. To do a program of this form, you cannot
# use the Palette Manager without some extra hacks that are compatibility
# risks in themselves. So... use at your own risk. If you are forced to revise your
# program because you followed this as an example, you cannot gripe to Apple, since
# it is not fully approved. You just have to change your program, which I hope is no
# big deal. You can give this code to other people, as long as they recognize
# that it is not fully approved too.
# Unless you have very special color requirements, you should use the Palette
# Manager. It works for most things, and is much easier to use than the
# approach taken here. There are a few things it won’t do of course, leading
# to this code. If you can do it, use the Palette Manager and save yourself
# some grief.
# Written in MacApp Object Pascal code.
# Compatibility rating = 2. (nothing will break, but it may not
# always look correct.)
{Copyright 1988 by Bob. All rights reserved, since Bob has all rights.
February 1, 1988.
Written by Bo3b Johnson of Developer Technical Support. }
UNIT UFracApp;
This is a not too small application which can calculate a fractal in full color
on the Mac II, using direct 881 code for speed. It saves files on disk as PICT.
For full info, see the implementation file.
{$LOAD FracApp881.LOAD}
MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf,
UObject, UList, UMacApp,
PaletteMgr, UPrinting;
{Command numbers}
kSignature = 'Arf '; {Application signature}
kFileType = 'PICT'; {File-type code used for document files
created by this application}
kFracAppWindowID = 1001; {This is passed to NewSimpleWindow as the
resource ID of the the WIND Resource
which defines the window for this
application's documents}
kStaggerAmount = 30;
kPICTHeaderSize = 512; { 512 bytes off the file are used for our info and print info. }
kSelPattern = 128; { pattern resource Id. }
kNewFractal = 1000; { item Id for New Fractal menu option. }
kRotateColors = 1001; { item Id for Rotate Colors menu option in Fractal menu. }
kClut = 501; { Res Id for the clut resource that we use for offscreen. }
kNumColors = 195; { number of colors we animate, and use in calculation. }
kNumPalette = 14; { 14 extra colors in system palette at end of colors. }
kWrongMachine = 1000; { error code if we cannot run, from ForceEnvirons. }
kBadRotate = $044C0002; { message code to use STR# 1100, string 2. }
envDontCare = 0; { don't care is always 0, for ForceEnvirons. }
{ The header record for each of the files saved by FracApp. This header includes the
pertinent data that allows a fractal to be restarted, as well as displayed
on the screen. The print record follows this info in the first 512 bytes of a file,
but that info is read by the standard DoRead/DoWrite methods. Some of the fields
are LongInts to avoid rounding errors during calculations. }
FracRecord = RECORD
fType: OSType; { 4 set as 'Arf ' for these documents. }
hdrId: Integer; { 2 as 'FA' FracApp header ID. }
version: Integer; { 2 file version decides type of file. }
done: Boolean; { 2 if the fractal is finished or not. }
realMin: Extended; { 12 minimum value of fractal on real/p axis. }
realMax: Extended; { 12 maximum value of fractal on real/p axis. }
imagMin: Extended; { 12 minimum on imaginary/q axis. }
imagMax: Extended; { 12 maximum on imaginary/q axis. }
deltaP: Extended; { 12 horizontal step size in fractal space. }
deltaQ: Extended; { 12 vertical step size in fractal space. }
plotWidth: LongInt; { 4 width of fractal area in pixels. }
plotHeight: LongInt; { 4 height of fractal area in pixels. }
calcRect: Rect; { 8 rectangle surrounding the window it was built for. }
curRow: LongInt; { 4 counter for current pixel position to be done. Vertical. }
curCol: LongInt; { 4 counter for current pixel. Horizontal. }
elapsedTime: LongInt; { 4 amount of time to do this fractal in seconds. }
END; { FracRecord. }
{------------------------------- Application -------------------------------}
TFracAppApplication = OBJECT(TApplication)
PROCEDURE TFracAppApplication.IFracAppApplication (itsMainFileType: OSType);
{Initializes the application and globals.}
FUNCTION TFracAppApplication.DoMakeDocument(
itsCmdNumber: CmdNumber): TDocument; OVERRIDE;
{Launches a TFracAppDocument; called when application's icon is
opened, and when New or Open is requested by the user.
Every application which uses Documents MUST override this
PROCEDURE TFracAppApplication.DoIdle (Phase: IdlePhase); OVERRIDE;
{ Performs Idle time processing for the application. This will do the
fractal calculation during the idle times. It will allow each open
view a chance to calculate. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppApplication.DoSetupMenus; OVERRIDE;
{ Set up the menus choice in Fractal Menu to handle Rotate Colors. }
FUNCTION TFracAppApplication.DoMenuCommand(
aCmdNumber: CmdNumber): TCommand; OVERRIDE;
{ Handle the menu choice out of the Fractal Menu for Rotate Colors. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppApplication.RegainControl(checkClipboard: BOOLEAN);
{ When we are switched in we need to reset the color table. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppApplication.AboutToLoseControl(convertClipboard: BOOLEAN);
{ When we are switched out we need to restore the color table to be polite. }
END; { TFracAppApplication }
{------------------------------- Document -------------------------------}
TFracAppDocument = OBJECT(TDocument)
{ Now the fields that are special to the fractal itself. These are the
variables that make up the display state and the definition of the
fractal itself. They are associated with the document so they can
be stored in a file, and read back in. Essentially a global state for
each fractal document. }
fFracHeader: FracRecord; { global state on fractal. }
fStartTime: LongInt; { starting time of calculations. }
fBigBuff: Ptr; { pointer to offscreen data }
fDrawingDevice: GDHandle; { handle to our offscreen gDevice. }
fDrawingPort: CGrafPtr; { pointer to drawing buffer. }
fFracAppView: TFracAppView;
{Every document object must preserve references to all the views it
creates as fields of the document object, since DoMakeWindows
will need to know which views to install in the windows it
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.BuildOffWorld (sizeOfDoc: Rect);
{ Allocates offscreen gDevice and port for document data. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.SetUpConstants;
{ Sets up starting constants for calculation. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.IFracAppDocument;
{Init routine for the document, sets up the object, then the fractal default state. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.DoInitialState; OVERRIDE;
{ Does the work for a New operation, where we start with a new fractal
that doesn't have any stored data. This is set up the view with no
data and set up the fractal coordinates to the default. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.DoMakeWindows; OVERRIDE;
{Launches the window which will represent the document on the
screen. Every document which has any screen display MUST
override this method}
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.DoMakeViews(forPrinting: BOOLEAN); OVERRIDE;
{Launches the view which is seen in the document's window. Every
document which has any screen display or which can be printed
MUST override this method}
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.DoNeedDiskSpace(VAR dataForkBytes,
rsrcForkBytes: LONGINT); OVERRIDE;
{ Finds out the entire size of the object to be saved into the file so that the
correct amount of disk space can be used. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.DoRead(aRefNum: INTEGER; rsrcExists,
forPrinting: BOOLEAN); OVERRIDE;
{ Reads in the data out of the data fork of the file, and stows it into the
document’s bitMap. Also resets the vars in the document object to match
the saved values from the header. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.DoWrite(aRefNum: INTEGER;
{ Converts the data in the document’s port into a PICT, then writes that block
out to the file, making it into a standard PICT file. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.FreeData; OVERRIDE;
{ Free method for our document. It disposes the data block of the picture
data that was read in from the disk, and kills offscreen stuff. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppDocument.CalcCity;
{ Does the idle time calculations for the document. This is for the actual
fractal calculations. It is called by the handler for the Application
DoIdle. It is called for all open documents. }
END; { TFracAppDocument }
{------------------------------- View -------------------------------}
TFracAppView = OBJECT(TView)
{ These fields are for the use of the view, and help define our specific view, that
is the offscreen bitMap representation of the fractal. }
fSelectionRect: Rect; { rectangle that is current selection }
fFracAppDocument: TFracAppDocument; { handy to avoid type coercion. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppView.IFracAppView (itsDocument: TFracAppDocument;
sizeOfView: Rect);
{ Inits the view object itself. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppView.Draw(area: Rect); OVERRIDE;
{Draws the view seen in the window. Every nonblank view MUST
override this method}
FUNCTION TFracAppView.DoMenuCommand(
aCmdNumber: CmdNumber): TCommand; OVERRIDE;
{ Handle the menu choices for New Fractal out of the Fractal Menu. }
{ Set up the New Fractal menus choice in Fractal Menu, based on selection. }
FUNCTION TFracAppView.DoMouseCommand(VAR downLocalPoint: Point;
VAR info: EventInfo;
VAR hysteresis: Point): TCommand; OVERRIDE;
{ Handle the mouse events in the view. Needs to do the selection of a new
range for the next fractal to be calculated. }
PROCEDURE TFracAppView.DoHighlightSelection(fromHL, toHL: HLState); OVERRIDE;
{ Highlight the current selection rectangle if there is one. }
END; { TFracAppView }
{------------------------------- Command -------------------------------}
TAreaSelector = OBJECT(TCommand)
{ These fields are for the command objects that we use. The first one we need
for sure is the selection object to handle the mouse selection in the content
region of the view. }
fOwnerView: TFracAppView;
PROCEDURE TAreaSelector.IAreaSelector(ownerView: TFracAppView; startPt: Point);
{ Initialize the selection object itself. This basically sets up with IObject,
then sets the fSelectionRect to be a minimal rectangle. }
FUNCTION TAreaSelector.TrackMouse(aTrackPhase: TrackPhase;
VAR anchorPoint, previousPoint, nextPoint: Point;
mouseDidMove: BOOLEAN): TCommand; OVERRIDE;
{ Track the mouse while the button is down in the view. }
PROCEDURE TAreaSelector.TrackFeedback(anchorPoint, nextPoint: Point;
turnItOn, mouseDidMove: BOOLEAN); OVERRIDE;
{ Feedback that matches better, using the selection pattern. }
PROCEDURE TAreaSelector.TrackConstrain(anchorPoint, previousPoint: Point;
VAR nextPoint: Point); OVERRIDE;
{ Constrain the mouse movement to be a rect which matches the screen. }
END; { TAreaSelector }
{------------------------------- GarDevice -------------------------------}
{ We also need to keep track of what all gDevices in the system are doing. In order
to handle this dynamically a TList is a logical choice. The GarDevice objects will
keep information about each gDevice in the system for use in color handling.
When used, the Each method will be used to affect every gDevice in the system. }
TGarDevice = OBJECT(TObject)
{ The fields for each GarDevice object. }
fColorTable: CTabHandle;
fOldSeed: LongInt;
fDevice: GDHandle;
fDrawSeed: LongInt;
PROCEDURE TGarDevice.IGarDevice (OwnerGDevice: GDHandle);
{ Initialize the GarDevice object, add it to the TList of GarDevices. }
PROCEDURE TGarDevice.PoundColors;
{ Force the colors on this GarDevice to have the desired color table if possible. }
PROCEDURE TGarDevice.UnPoundColors;
{ Remove our fascist color mapping when we are switched out. Restore to
what the system was using last. }
PROCEDURE TGarDevice.RotateColors;
{ Rotate the colors on this GarDevice if we can. Animation of colors. }
PROCEDURE TGarDevice.SetUpColorMap;
{ Save off the ctSeed of the gDevice owned by this GarDevice, or set up the
color search proc to do the zebra fractals if not enough colors. }
PROCEDURE TGarDevice.RemoveColorMap;
{ Restore the ctSeed of the gDevice, or remove the color search proc. }
END; { TGarDevice }
{$I UFracApp.inc1.p}